Working for yourself doesn’t have to mean working by yourself.

Moment is a way of taking just a few minutes each week to remember to invest in your business’ most valuable asset: you.

When you’re self-employed, you’re not only doing the work, but also finding new work, chasing invoices, self-promoting, networking, accounting, not to mention all of the other tasks in your personal life. There’s a lot to do, and when you’re doing it all yourself - it’s easy to forget to look after yourself too. So Moment is a gentle way of helping you create space and time to take care of you, to help you remember and find tangible and practical ways of working well.

Sometimes it’ll be an exercise, sometimes an article, sometimes a story from a fellow member, sometimes we’ll open up the floor for anyone to ask a question, or share how they’re feeling - and for paying subscribers, you’ll be able to access structured tools and templates to build yourself a self-employment wellbeing plan, along with regular check-ins and nudges to make mental health a part of your business plan.

Leapers exists to support the mental health of the self-employed, freelancers, and anyone who doesn’t have any colleagues around them - we’re the team for people without a team.

We’ve been running for over three years, and have supported over 50,000 people with a community of peer-support and curating and creating things that help. The heart of our community is a slack group with over 3000 members, but as that’s not for everyone - we wanted to create an additional way for freelancers to work well.

If you’re already a member, great - Moment adds to the support you already get.
If you’re not a Leapers member - that’s fine too, subscribe to Moment, and you’ll also get the chance to access the slack community too.

Subscribe to Moment.

A regular gentle nudge to help you look after your mental health when freelancing - from Leapers.


Chief Freelance Officer at Leapers.